As you all know already, nothing is new and this blog is no exception. It's full of pictures of cars and bikes, mostly stolen from somewhere or other and the odd bit of useful & not so useful information for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

hellooo nurse..

busy morning

thanks for doing these axle adjuster blocks Dave
rear wheel spaced and fitted
front brake anchor using groove in plate, just need to get in welded now
my swing arm, before i started to remove the engine today
part way through engine removal
trying to fit the engine in the frame, it had been modded to fit a shovel, just did'nt fit mine
not so nice frame mod's, done a long time before i got it
engine but its a very tight fit, also tryed a different tank, which do you guys prefer the sporty or this one?
i will get the tranny in later.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Saturday, 17 July 2010


Some days i find myself just looking at this bike wondering if its right, i mean i think it looks good but is it right, can i live with the raked neck, do i want a round oil tank.
When i started this build i had no idea of how the finished article would look, just wanted to see how it would unfold using what i had to hand and keeping it as cheap as possible, but this in turn i suppose is causing my these questions now.
I figure once its build i will ride it a bit, and change anything i am not happy with before stripping for finishing, hopefully it won't be to much change or it will never get done.
I guess because of budget, skill and time there will always be compromise.

new- old helmet

made in canada 1982 with clear bubble visor that flips open from japan.
could do with a bit more padding but its useable.

brit tin

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

project update- seat

so today i had a little time to do some work on the bike, the results are, a seat is now stripped down and i will just use just the pan with maybe some minimal covering, front hinge is a temp one for now just so i could get a seat sorted, and at the rear, i might use these castings (dependant on the current owner letting me have them) as spring seats, though i will probably use rubber bushes instead of springs.

i also had a play on the lathe with my risers, and then put some heat on them to bend them, unfortunately my pipe fitting torch was not up to the job, so they did not get bend.